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MA AG Sues “Predatory” Florida Realty Company Engaged in "Deceptive" Trade Practices

Screenshot of Boston 25 News anchor talking in front of screen reading 25 Investigates Real Estate Racket

Boston25 News recently aired an investigative piece which brought to light a Florida real estate agency's use of predatory tactics to target low-income and elderly homeowners in Massachusetts and around the country. The agency, MV Realty, deceived hundreds of homeowners in Massachusetts to unwittingly sign over mortgage liens that could cost these homeowners several thousand dollars. Marc was interviewed for the on air story.

The media exposure has led to the Massachusetts Attorney General filing a lawsuit against MV Realty for “unconscionable” business dealings and “deceptive acts and trade practices.” Hopefully, the lawsuit will lead to 1) the release of all MV Realty liens against homeowners, 2) a reimbursement of any monies homeowners paid to MV Realty, and 3) a ban on MV Realty doing business in Massachusetts.