Electronic Recordings: A Benefit to the Consumer
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Electronic recordings (e-recordings) of deeds, mortgages and other title instruments is fully operational in Massachusetts.
E-recording is more cost effective and faster than the traditional method of recording by sending a title examiner to the registry of deeds. It eliminates the need to hold closings at Cambridge, Boston or other traffic-impacted venues.
E-recording is legal and binding, and accepted by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and virtually every major lender. It is a major benefit to all parties involved with a real estate closing, and Canner Law is well-versed in how to use the system to ensure a faster and more convenient closing.
The process of e-recording is very straightforward, as our office:
- Registers with the registry’s authorized electronic recording vendors (Simplifile)
- Conducts closing
- Scans original document to create an electronic image (pdf)
- Logs on to the secure website and enter data about the document and upload the document image
- Performs a quick online title run-down to ensure no title issues have arisen since the first title exam
- Presses “send to the registry” button.
- The registry verifies the quality of the image and the accuracy of your data
- Once accepted by the registry, the document is official on record with recording data and document image immediately available on the registry website
- The filer immediately gets an electronic receipt with all recording information along with an electronic copy of the recorded document.
- Fees are paid by electronic funds transfer from the closing attorney, and we can avoid the usual $35 rundown fee. E-recording fees run about $4.50 per document.
In addition to e-recordings, Simplifile allows our office to collaborate with banks and lender to more easily expedite the delivery of required closing documents like the title policy and mortgage.
Please call or email our office to learn more.