Improve Your Outlook
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Email is both a blessing and a curse. A real estate professional can build a busy practice through the magic of email, but the constant flow of emails can be overwhelming. From realtors and lenders to buyers, sellers and (especially!) attorneys, emails are constantly flying back and forth, and they are all sent with the expectation of an immediate response.
What is the best way to manage emails so that it serves our best interest? Here are few tips to help prevent your emails from becoming a game of whack-a-mole.
1. Set up a common email address for your office or team. Make sure the email address is included in the P&S or contact sheet. If you have team members that can address an issue while you are out of the office, it can cut down on time. Find out even more when your read #4.
2. Be proactive; anticipate the emails. Experience tells us that in certain steps of the process, more questions or concerns may arise than in others. Staying proactive keeps clients and all professionals informed.
3.Include all parties on your side of the transaction on the same email. If you "silo" the communication, it will lead to redundant emails. Keeping all parties informed and updated will also cut down on time. Conversely, avoid "crossing" emails, meaning if your client is the Buyer, do not include anyone from the Seller's side of the transaction on the same email (unless appropriate).
4. Do not reinvent the wheel with every email. Since most emails are repetitive, why rewrite each one from scratch every time? Create templates and save them in your CRM. Once you begin to do that, then it’s simply ‘rinse, wash and repeat’!
5. Delegate, delegate, delegate! Have an admin or associate "shadow" your correspondence. Your admin can track your emails, send quick replies letting the senders know that you will follow up with them and prioritize the important ones when you are ready for them.
6. We have somehow become slaves to our smart phones. Whether we are sitting in the car, grabbing a coffee at Starbucks or eating lunch, we feel obligated to stop mid-bite and answer every email in our in-box. If you wait to return to the office, you can probably type much faster on your keyboard and you will have more resources right in front of you.
7. Forecast the storm! Observe some simple email metrics. What are the busiest times of day for email flow? Is it morning, mid-day, possibly end of day when clients have a break from their own work? When possible, organize your day to take advantage of these peak hours. A word of advice: if you practice the habits in tip #2, you should see a significant decrease in the amount of emails coming in.
Managing your email gives you more time to manage your clients effectively and better yet, grow your business!