COVID-19 Closings
Thursday, May 21, 2020

Photo by Victor Xok on Unsplash
We are continuing to deliver closing services during the current market conditions.
Please be aware that we are very mindful of Covid-19 social distancing requirements and related issues. To best work within these requirements and allow for your health and safety when signing the lending documents, we have developed “curbside” closing.
For closings conducted at our Needham office location, the building management has designated an area of our underground parking garage to use for “curbside” closings. When arriving at our 200 Highland Ave. office please take a right (if travelling from Route 128) into the lower level garage. The designated closing area is to your right when you enter the garage. Please email or call when you arrive and an attorney will meet you. There is a closing table next to the designated parking area where the attorney can sit to collate documents and witness your signing. We have protocols in place to regularly clean high touch point areas.
For closings conducted at our other office locations or at a borrower’s home, we also can conduct “curbside” closings if convenient for the signer.
Since Registry of Deeds are currently closed to the public, we will electronically record the deed and/or mortgage after the closing.